
3 years / 4 years

Starting Date

January, September

Tuition Fee

15,240 CAD per year


Winnipeg, Canada

About the program

Majoring in Rhetoric and Communications will help you become a highly adaptable communicator with superb hands-on skills in drafting, revising, and editing. You will also acquire the theoretical and analytical background to prepare, adapt, interpret, and evaluate messages intended for a wide range of audiences and purposes. In short, Rhetoric and Communications will help you become a “reflective practitioner” – a discerning critic and crafter of language.

This program leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree (3-year, 4-year, or Honours).

Students taking an undergraduate degree in another Major may choose to add a Minor in Rhetoric and Communications as a secondary area of interest.

Career Possibilities

Graduates have developed abilities that are valued in a wide range of careers. They may become fundraising consultants, public affairs officers, media coordinators, publicity agents, museum or gallery educators, technical or scientific writers, copywriters, or copy editors. They may also pursue careers in government and politics (for example, as a speech writer, researcher, or press secretary), health (communications officer), and business (public information officer).

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